Faculty Awards & Honors

Faculty Awards & Honors

In areas such as astronomy, medicine, optics, entrepreneurship, and dance, Arizona faculty and programs are among the nation's best.

Arizona faculty are also globally recognized for their leadership, scholarship and service by world-renowned academic societies and programs. Below is a listing of our national and international program awards, and our University of Arizona awards and honors recipients.

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National & International Awards

Research Fellowships

2021Brandon Levin, Elisabeth Krause
2016Matthias Morzfeld, Eduardo Rozo
2011Joshua Eisner
2009Dong "Jeffrey" Chul Pyun
2008Toufic Muadda Suidan**
2007Joanna Masel
2003Xiaohui Fan
2002Ubirajara van Kolck, Daniel Eisenstein**
1999Shankar Venkataramani***, Alain Goriely**
1998Dennis Zaritsky***, Jacquelyn Gervay**
1996Hans R. Rix**
1995Mani Ramaswami**
1993Supapan Seraphin**, Paul Bloom**
1992Bruce J. Bayly
1980Adrian Patrascioiu*
1979Dennis Lichtenberger
1976George Rieke, Richard Shoemaker**
1974Peter Strittmatter
1973John G. Hildebrand
1972Bruce Barrett**
1967Robert Bates**
1966John D. McCullen**
1964Ray Weymann**

**No longer Arizona faculty
***Award received while not at Arizona

2020Diana Liverman
2017Juanita L. Merchant***
2015Renu Malhotra
2010Roy R. Parker**
2007Marcia J. Rieke
2006Nancy A. Moran**
2005Keith E. Lehrer
2003George H. Rieke 
2001John G. Hildebrand, Robert C. Kennicutt
1998Jane H. Hill
1994Carol Marguerite Rose
1993Margaret G. Kidwell**
1992Julia E. Annas, N. Scott Momaday, Seymour Reichlin**
1991Frank J. Low*
1990J. Roger P. Angel
1988David W. Arnett
1979Arthur D. Code*
1977Peter A. Strittmatter, Edward A. Boyse* ***
1975Gerry Neugebauer*
1959Aden B. Meinel**
1956Nicolaas Bloembergen*

**No longer Arizona faculty
***Award received while not at Arizona

AAAS Early Career Award for Public Engagement with Science

2019Monica Ramirez-Andreotta

AAAS Fellow

2020Gregg Garfin
2019Elizabeth Cantwell
2018Karl W. Flessa**Michael A. RiehleXubin Zeng
2017Kimberly Andrews Espy**, Martha S. Hunter, Mari N. Jensen, John L. Koprowski, Joceline Lega, Daniel Zeng
2016Leslie Tolbert**
2015Carol Bender**, Judith K. Brown, Dennis L. Lichtenberger
2014Peter A. Franken* **, Todd A. Schlenke
2013Malcolm K. Hughes, Katrina Marie Miranda, Diana E. Wheeler**
2012Alexander Badyaev, Michael F. Brown, Yves Carriere, Brian Enquist
2011Eliot Herman
2010Eugene G. Sander**, Rod A. Wing
2009Steven R. Archer, David D. Breshears, Robert T. Downs, Christopher D. Impey, Jonathan T. Overpeck**, Jeanne E. Pemberton, Mary A. Peterson, Bruce E. Tabashnik, Mary J. Wirth**
2008Charles Gerba, William Vélez**
2007Carol Barnes, Nancy A. Moran**, Steven D. Shwartz, Feiyue Wang**, Jason X.-J. yuan**
2006George Bowden*, M. Bonner Denton, Ian Pepper, Hans VanEtten*
2005Michael Nachman**
2004Pierre Meystre**
2003Gail Burd, Lisa Graumlich**, William Hubbard**
2002David W. Galbraith, Merrill Garrett**, Jonathan Lunine**, Charles Prewitt**
2001Richard Green, H. Jay Melosh**, Nasser Peyghambarian
2000David Arnett**
1999Michael A. Cusanovich*
1998William Dickinson*, Deborah Hughes Hallett, Robert Sloviter**
1997Marlys Hearst Witte
1996Carl William Birky**
1995Keith A. Joiner, Li-Zhi Fang*
1994Frank Porreca
1993Nancy Parezo**
1992D. M. Hunten*, C. Vance Haynes**, James F. Hays**, William Hoffman**
1991Margaret G. Kidwell**, Donald A. Falk
1990Lynn Nadel**
1989Laurence H. Hurley, Victor Baker, Eldon Braun**
1988Joseph P. Mascarenhas
1987Jeffrey Dean**, Peter Chesson
1986I. Glenn Sipes**
1984John G. Hildebrand, Richard Glass**, Michael Schiffer**
1982Frances Ann Walker**, Hyatt M. Gibbs*
1977Jane H. Hill*
1972William Swindell**
1971Alice Schlegel**, John Enemark**, B. Roy Frieden**, Victor Hruby**, John Kessler**, Thomas Lindell**, Everett Lindsay**, Neil Mendelson**, Orestes Stavroudis*, Cornelius Steelink*, John Sumner*
1969Roald Wangsness**
1959William Longacre*
1958Arthur Jelinek** ***, H. V. Aposhian**
1950Elizabeth Roemer*, Aden B. Meinel*

AAAS IF/THEN Ambassador

2019Erika Hamden, Jessie Rack

AAAS Newcomb Cleveland Prize

2009Travis Barman

**No longer Arizona faculty
***Award received while not at Arizona

ACLS Fellows

2018Scott Lucas
2017Sapana Doshi, Benjamin Lawrance
2016Fabio Lanza
2014Jeffrey M. Banister, Stacie G. Widdifield, John Melillo
2011Scott R. Selisker, Irene Solange D'Almeida**
2010David Gramling
2005Paul Richard
1992Linda T. Darling
1988Jean E. Hampton*
1985Robert A. Williams
1977John Boe**
1974Helen Nader**, Dana A. Nelson*
1972Keith Lehrer**
1971John Pollock*
1964Heiko Oberman*

**No longer Arizona faculty


2014John G. Hildebrand
2013Julia Elizabeth Annas
2004Noam Chomsky***
1991Heiko A. Oberman*
1974Edward H. Spicer*
1969Emil W. Haury*
1945Carl S. Marvel*

Franklin Grants

2016Irene Bald Romano
2013Ronald H. Towner
2011Uriah Kriegel**, Cheryl K. Malone
2008Celeste Gonzalez de Bustamante
2007Eleni Hasaki

Phillips Fund Grant Recipients

2003Eileen M. Luna-Firebaugh**
1995Nancy J. Parezo**

Sabbatical Fellowships

2017Annette Joseph-Gabriel**
1999Julia Clancy-Smith

John Frederick Lewis Award

1993David Gilman Romano

**No longer Arizona faculty
***Award received while not at Arizona

2020Eric Butcher, Megan Carney, Christopher Hamilton, Snuggye Hong, David Pietz, JoEllen Russell, Christopher Scott, Kimberly Shea
2019Judith X. Becerra, Heidi Brown, Robert B. Fleischman, Rachel Gallery, Lisa Molomot, Johann Rafelski, Johanna Skibsrud, D. Lawrence Venable, Jennifer Cyr, Kirk Emerson, Eva Hayward, Kevin Lansey
2017Mihai Ducea, Betul Czerkawski, Kevin Fitzsimmons
2016Jefferey Burgess, John Ehiri, Melissa A. Fitch, Jerzy Rozenblit, Zain Khalpey**
2015Jeannine Relly, Suzanne Dovi, Stephen Kobourov, Craig Palmer**, Mike Proctor**, Anna Koosmann**, Nicolette Teufel-Shone**
2014Sama Alshaibi, Christopher Castro, Christian Collberg, Benedict Colombi, Roger Nichols**, Bane Vasic, Richard Ziolkowski**
2013Alberto Arenas, Adele Barker**, Wendell Ela**, Frank Gohlke, Dale LaFleur, Jenny Lee
2012Thomas DeGomez**, Grace Fielder, Norma Gonzalez**, A. J. Timothy Jull, Virginia Lebaron**, Linda Lumsden, Marcela Vazquez-Leon
2011Supapan Seraphin**, Carol Bender**, Michael M. Brescia, William E. Boyd**, Melissa A. Fitch, Avigdor Leftin**, Lesley P. Newman**
2010Rodney D. Adam**, Maribel Alvarez, Anne Browning-Aiken**, Jefferey Burgess, Lesley D. Frame**, Barron J. Orr**, Jeffrey J. O Sallaz, Bonnie Wasserman
2009Emmanuel T. Akporiaye**, Stephanie J. Buechler, James Cunningham, Reid Fontaine**, Marie A. Griego-Jones**, Christopher K. Jones, Donald Slack, Romy Elyse Taylor**, James T. Watson
2008Mary Beth Adam**, Nicole Guidotti-Hernandez**, Beretta Smith-Shomade**, Gonda VanSteen**
2007Mary Beth Adam**, George Burr**, David Chisholm, Eniko Enikov, Joseph Galaskiewicz, Ellen McMahon
2006Stephen Kobourov, Barbara Kosta, Dennis Larson**, Anna Marie O'Leary
2005Miguel Angel Quinones**, Ana Maria Merico-Stephens**, Katherine A. Snyder, Kevin M. Fitzsimmons, Gary David Thompson
2004Carol M. Carpenter**, Irene S D'Almeida**, Keith James**, Richard E. Michod, Russell Keith Monson
2003Alfred James Quiroz, Aldeline Lee Karpiscak**, Barbara Jo Morehouse**, Roger Louis Nichols**, Terry W. Sprouse**
2002Carl J. Bauer, Susan Aimee Crane, Brian Ford Crisp**, Leonard Dinnerstein**, Judy Nolte Temple**, David Greg Williams**, Muluneh Yitayew
2001Ludwik Adamowicz, Adele M. Barker**, Peter Michael Beudert**, George Nikolas Frantziskonis, Mark Paul Frederickson**, Leila O. Hudson, Robert Anthony Williams, Muluneh Yitayew
2000John R. Bichsel**, Michael Frederick Brown, Elizabeth Jessie Garber**, Thomas Kovach, David Charles Lynch**, Edward J. Williams**
1999Katherine E. Miller**, Steven Michael Stralser**
1998David Chisholm, James W. Clarke**, Roger W. Fox**

**No longer Arizona faculty

2023Jiang Wu
2021Sama Raena Alshaibi
2020David Pietz
2017Julia Clancy-Smith, Ander Monson**
2016Feryal Ӧzel
2015Alison Hawthorne Deming, Jack Walsh***
2014Diana Liverman
2013Ann Zabludoff
2008Xiaohui Fan, Robin Stryker, David J. Taylor, Jason X.-J. Yuan**
2007Fenton Johnson
2006Dennis Zaritsky
2005Jonathan T. Overpeck**
2004Steve Johnstone
2003Susan C. Karant-Nunn**
2002Ellen B. Basso**, Craig Walsh**, Jonathan Weinberg
2000Rabi Bhattacharya, Elizabeth Vierling**
1999Steve Orlen*
1998Russel K. Monson, Jay Rosenblatt
1996H. Jay Melosh**, Irene Maxine Pepperberg**
1994Nicholas James Strausfeld
1991Harmony Hammond**
1989Jerrold Edwin Hogle**
1988Jane R. Miller**
1987Alan E. Bernstein**, Arthur J. Jelinek**
1986Daniel Asia**
1985Robert H. Colescott**
1984Frank Gohlke, Victor J. Hruby**, Hermann George Rebel**, William M. Schaffer**
1983Keith Lehrer
1982Jonathan Beck**, Edgar A. Dryden**, Gerald C. Monsman
1981William G. Dever**, Michael Schaller**, Donald Robert Uhlmann
1980C. Vance Haynes**
1978William H. Wing**, J.P. Wearing**
1977Jonathan Penner**
1976Jon Anderson**, Thomas G. Bever**, Alan C. Newell, Douglas G. Stuart*
1975Robert Porter Erickson, Frank Gohlke, Alvin Ira Goldman**
1974Joel Feinberg*, Eliot S. Hearst*
1972John A. Mills**
1969Rubin Bressler*
1968Harold Clark Fritts**, Ursula S. Lamb*, Charles Philip Sonnet*
1966N. Scott Momaday
1965Paul Schultz Martin*
1964William R. Dickinson*
1961Herbert E. Carter**
1960Willis Eugene Lamb*
1959Jean-Jacques Demorest**
1957Richard Meredith Hosley*
1953Henry Koffler*
1950Lawrence Clark Powell*
1937Robert Guyn McBride*

**No longer Arizona faculty
***Award received while not at Arizona

2012Olivier Guyon
1999Ofelia Zepeda
1997Nancy A. Moran**, Brackette F. Williams**
1996J. Roger P. Angel
1995Nicholas James Strausfeld
1990Gary Paul Nabhan
1984Arthur Winfree*

**No longer Arizona faculty

NAE Members

2011Thomas L. Good**
1998Luis C. Moll**

NAE Fellows

2015Sara Tolbert
2014Nolan L. Cabrera
2013Francesca Lopez
2005Regina Deil-Amen** ***
1998Dwight S. Atkinson***

**No longer Arizona faculty
***Award received while not at Arizona

NAE Members

2014Harrison H. Barrett**
2010Larry Peterson**
2007James C. Wyant**
2006Thomas L. Koch
2005Kenneth A. Jackson**, Spencer R. Titley*
2003Soroosh Sorooshian**
1997J. Brent Hiskey**
1996Donald R. Uhlmann
1992Shlomo P. Neuman**, Robert R. Shannon**
1989Israel J. Wygnanski
1986Ernest T. Smerdon*
1984Nicolaas Bloembergen*, Peter W. Likins**
1977James Wait**
1975W. David Kingery*
1968William Sears*

US Frontiers of Engineering Participant

2012Armin Sorooshian
2011Armin Sorooshian

**No longer Arizona faculty

NAI Senior Member

2022Steven Goldman, Stanley Pau, Robin Polt, Judith Su
2021Meredith Hay, May Khanna
2020Joseph Valacich, James Schwiegerling, Rajesh Khanna, Eugene Gerner, Thomas Milster, Luca Caucci, Minying Cai
2019Dong Chul "Jeffrey" Pyun, Daruka Mahadevan, Jordan Lancaster

NAI Fellows

2021Mark Van Dyke, Liesl Folks, Terry Matsunaga
2020Laurence Hurley, Robert A. Norwood
2019Victor Hruby, Hong Hua
2018Harrison H. Barrett**,  Thomas L. Koch
2017J. Roger P. Angel
2016Nasser Peyghambarian
2015Marvin J. Slepian, James C. Wyant**
2013Frederic Zenhausern

**No longer Arizona faculty

NAM Members

2015Kenneth S. Ramos**
2012Arthur B. Sanders
2011Joe G.N. "Skip" Garcia
2009Setsuko K. Chambers
2008Juanita L. Merchant***
1998J. Lyle Bootman**
1988M. Paul Capp**
1984Allan Beigel*

Robert Wood Johnson Policy Fellowship

2007Daniel Derksen

**No longer Arizona faculty
***Award received while not at Arizona

2015Kirk Emerson
2005H. Brint Milward
1991Manuel Pacheco**

**No longer Arizona faculty

NAS International Secretary

2022John G. Hildebrand

NAS Award for Scientific Reviewing

2019Robert C. Kennicutt, Jr.

NAS Members

2020Diana Liverman
2018Carol Barnes
2015Renu Malhotra
2012Marcia J. Rieke
2011George H. Rieke
2007John G. Hildebrand
2006Robert C. Kennicutt
2003H. Jay Melosh**
2002Vicki L. Chandler**
2001J. Randolph Jokipii**
2000J. Roger P. Angel
1996Margaret G. Kidwell**, Brian A. Larkins**
1994William Bowers**
1992John H. Law - Emeritus
1990C. Vance Haynes**
1985W. David Arnett**
1981Donald M. Hunten*
1979Edward A. Boyse* ***
1976Alistair G.W. Cameron* ***
1975Edward H. Spicer*
1974Frank J. Low*, Frederick S. Hulse*
1972Noam Chomsky***
1971Arthur D. Code*
1968Bart J. Bok*
1956Emil W. Haury*
1938Carl S. Marvel* ***

Gulf Research Program/Early-Career Research Fellowship

2017Laura Bakkensen

Kavli Frontiers of Science Fellows

2017Jessica Andrews-Hanna
2016Katalin Gothard, Valerie Trouet
2015Francina Dominguez**
2014Katalin Gothard, Ryan Gutenkunst
2013Alexander Badyaev
2011Jeffrey Pyun, Tamara Rogers**
2010R. Jason Jones, David Breshears
2009Felicia Goodrum Sterling, Judith Becerra, Megan McEvoy**
2008Julia Cole, Dante Lauretta
2006Scott Kroken**
2005Martin Dufwenberg, Caitlin Griffith, Dante Lauretta, David Reiley, Jr.**
2004Shane Byrne, Keith Dienes, Bradley Moore**
2003Ralph Lorenz**
2002Daniel Eisenstein**
2001Alain Goriely**
2000Renu Malhotra

**No longer Arizona faculty
***Award received while not at Arizona

2005Roy J. Glauber* ***
1981Nicolaas Bloembergen* ***
1955Willis E. Lamb, Jr.* ***

***Award received while not at Arizona

2022Jessica Tierney

2015Juan Felipe Herrera

1996Terry Wimmer**
1969N. Scott Momaday

**No longer Arizona faculty


University Awards & Honors

Recognizes faculty who have made outstanding contributions to outreach at the University of Arizona, in the State of Arizona, the nation, and the world.

Visit the University Distinguished Outreach Faculty page to submit a nomination and browse resources on the overall nomination and selection process.



2024Marcela Vásquez-León
2023Kelly Simmons-Potter, John Palumbo
2022Paul Meléndez, Beverly Seckinger
2021Karletta Chief, Lynn Gerald
2020Marta Civil, Ricardo Valerdi
2019Teshia Solomon
2018Zhao Chen, David A. Yetman
2017David G. Armstrong**, Daniel McDonald
2016Thomas Sheridan, Cynthia Thomson
2015Henrietta "Etta" Kralovec, Frans Tax
2014Donald W. McCarthy, Supapan Seraphin**
2013Peder Cuneo**, Sally J. Reel
2012Todd V. Fletcher, Sally Stevens
2011Carol Bender**, Edward F. Reid
2010Sharon Megdal
2009Francisco A.R. Garcia**
2008Diane Austin, Russell Tronstad
2007Celestino Fernandez
2005Timothy Dennehy**, Lay James Gibson**
2004Charles (Corky) Poster**, Jeanette L. Ryan**

**No longer Arizona faculty

Honors faculty who have made sustained contributions of consistent educational excellence and have demonstrated outstanding commitment to undergraduate education.

Visit the University Distinguished Professors page to submit a nomination and browse resources on the overall nomination and selection process.



2024Robert Fleischman
2023Meg Lota Brown
2022Kenneth Johns
2021Faten Ghosn, Joellen Russell
2020Jeff Stone
2019Paul "Ty" Ferre, Ph.D
2018Mary Hardin, Roger Miesfeld
2017Melissa Fitch
2016Elliott Cheu, Alan Nighorn
2015Vicente Talanquer
2014Andrew S. Cohen, Frederick P. Kiefer
2013Eric A. Betterton, Charles Scruggs**
2012Paul Blowers, Judith Bronstein
2011Peter M. Beudert**, Avelino Eduardo Sáez
2010Mary Poulton
2009Jerzy Rozenblit
2008Carrol McLaughlin**, Paul Wilson**
2007J. Jefferson Reid**
2006John J.B. Allen, William G. McCallum**
2005George E. Gehrels, Harold P. Larson**
2004Albrecht Classen, Dennis T. Ray
2003Gail D. Burd
2002Robert F. Butler**, Harold W. Dixon**, Wanda H. Howell**, Robert H. Robichaux
2000James W. Clarke**, Christopher D. Impey
1999Richard A. Demers**, Delbert D. Phillips**
1998Susan H. Aiken**, William Yslas Velez**
1997William S. Bickel**, Richard A. Cosgrove**
1996Jerrold E. Hogle**, David O. Lomen**
1995Christopher Franklin Carroll**, James F. LaSalle**, Clifford M. Lytle*, Raymond E. White, Jr.*

**No longer Arizona faculty
***Award received while not at Arizona

Granted to outstanding recently tenured and mid-career faculty who are making transformative contributions to their disciplines and to our University’s teaching, research, and outreach priorities.

Visit the Distinguished Scholar page to submit a nomination and browse resources on the overall nomination and selection process.



2024Elise Gornish
2023David Baltrus, Mónica Ramírez-Andreotta, Michael Marty
2022Rebecca Mosher, Daniel Martínez, Weigang Wang
2021Lynn M. Carter, Allison S. Gabriel, Elisa Tomat

Recognizes outstanding early career faculty who are at the forefront of their disciplines and make highly valued contributions to the teaching, creative activity, and service priorities set out in the University's Strategic Plan.

Visit the Early Career Scholars Award page to submit a nomination and browse resources on the overall nomination and selection process.



2024Harris Kornstein, Michelle Berry
2023Yuanyuan (Kay) He, Anna Josephson, Andrew Curley, Andrew Paek, Alex Craig, Jeehey Kim
2022Molly Gebrian, Thomas Gianetti, Tammi Walker, Ashley Dixon, David Enard
2021Laura Condon, Lindsay M. Montgomery, Stefano Bloch, Jameson D. Lopez, Antonio José Bacelar da Silva, Jessica Brown


Created through a gift from the Thomas R. Brown Foundation in honor of Professor Emeritus Gerald J. Swanson, this award recognizes excellence in undergraduate teaching.

Visit the Early Career Scholars Award page to submit a nomination and browse resources on the overall nomination and selection process.



2024Afrooz Jalilzade, Carrie Langley, Teresa Rosano, Hal Tharp
2023Amy Graham, Darin Knapp, Patrick Baliani, Maria Letizia Bellocchio, Susan Holland
2022Na Zuo, Dean Papajohn, Hank Stratton, Lisa Dollinger, Suzanne Dovi
2021Paul Blowers, John Pollard, Ashley Jordan, Robert Stephan, Shawn Jackson

2023Ana Carvalho, M. Leandro Heien
2022Sheilah Nicholas
2021Desireé Vega, Mary Carol Combs
2020Ian L. Pepper, Melissa L. Tatum
2019David A. SbarraJulia Elizabeth Annas
2018Aleksander Ellis, Ronald Breiger
2017Edward J. Kerschen**, Joseph Galaskiewicz
2016Nader Chalfoun, Price Fishback
2015Jerry Gaus, Hoshin Vijay Gupta
2014Susan Shaw**, Robin Stryker**
2013Diana Archangeli, David Christenson
2012Nancy J. Parezo**, Karen S. Schumaker
2011Katia da Costa Bezerra, Heidi Harley
2010Andrew Carnie, Elizabeth Kennedy**
2009Thomas Mauet, Chris Segrin
2008Meg Lota Brown, Dennis Lichtenberger, Gary Thompson
2007Russell Cropanzano**, Cindy Rankin
2006Patricia Anders**, Sallie Marston, Avelino Eduardo Sáez
2005John J.B. Allen, Carrol McLaughlin**
2004Barbara Atwood, Thomas Holm**
2003Herbert E. Pollock*, Mary Wildner-Bassett
2002John Enemark**, Guy McPherson**
2001Arthur Andrews**, Yetta M. Goodman**, Samuel H. Yalkowsky**
2000Robert Bates**, Brian Crisp**

**No longer Arizona faculty

Established through the generosity of Henry and Phyllis Koffler in 2000, recognize outstanding accomplishment in the areas of teaching; research/scholarship/creative activity; or public service/outreach.

Visit the Henry and Phyllis Koffler Prizes page to browse resources on the overall nomination and selection process.



2022Ana Cornide
2021Vance T. Holliday
2020Dirk Mateer
2019Donata Vercelli, Ubirajara Van Kolck
2018Jamie Edgin
2014Bruce Bayly
2009Trent Teegerstrom
2008John Marchello**
2007Joel Meister*
2006Robert Williams, Jr.
2005Sherry C. Betts**
2004Alfred Kaszniak**
2003Michael A. Wells*
2002Jill Guernsey de Zapien

**No longer Arizona faculty

Established through the generosity of Henry and Phyllis Koffler in 2000, recognize outstanding accomplishment in the areas of teaching; research/scholarship/creative activity; or public service/outreach.

Visit the Henry and Phyllis Koffler Prizes page to browse resources on the overall nomination and selection process.



2023Henk Granzier
2021Vance Holliday
2019Ubirajara Van Kolck, Donata Vercelli
2017Shufeng Zhang
2015Bruce Tabashnik
2013Ida M. Moore
2011Nicholas James Strausfeld
2009Jane H. Hill*
2008Albrecht Classen
2007Sumitendra Mazumdar
2006John G. Hildebrand
2005George H. Rieke
2004Pamela Decker
2003Brian A. Larkins**
2002J. Roger P. Angel

**No longer Arizona faculty

Established through the generosity of Henry and Phyllis Koffler in 2000, recognize outstanding accomplishment in the areas of teaching; research/scholarship/creative activity; or public service/outreach.

Visit the Henry and Phyllis Koffler Prizes page to browse resources on the overall nomination and selection process.



2024Lisa Elfring
2016Ed Prather
2012Vicente A. Talanquer
2009Alexander Cronin
2008Carrol McLaughlin**
2006Richard W. Shelton**
2005Renate A. Schulz**
2004Christopher D. Impey
2002JoLaine Reierson Draugalis**

**No longer Arizona faculty

2012Laura G. Gutierrez**, Thomas B. Wilson
2011Stacey Oberly
2010James Riley**, Joellen Russell
2009Elaine Marchello, Barnet Pavao-Zuckerman**
2007Edward E. Prather
2006Beatriz Urrea
2004Melissa Fitch, John Kupfer**, Ralph Price*, Timothy Swindle, J. Pat Willerton
2003Richard Cosgrove**, Suzanne Delaney, Katherine Hirschboeck**
2002Peter Foley*, Gregory Jackson**, James O'Brien**, Susan M. White
2001Felice Bedford**, V. Spike Peterson, Richard Poss, Dennis Ray
2000Thomas Fleming, George Gehrels, Helle Mathiasen**, Cecile McKee
1999Albrecht Classen, Jennifer Jenkins, Harold P. Larson**, John McCullen*
1998Kari McBride**, Homer Pettey, Cindy Rankin, Robert H. Robichaux
1997Janice Dewey**, Gerald Swanson**

**No longer Arizona faculty
***Award received while not at Arizona

The highest of faculty ranks is reserved for full professors with exceptional achievements that have brought them national or international recognition.

Visit the Regents Professors page to submit a nomination and browse resources on the overall nomination process.



2023Price FishbackTakeshi InomataChris SegrinKathy Short, Todd Vanderah
2022Sama Alshaibi, Jean-Luc Brédas, Juanita Merchant, David Pietz, Donata Vercelli
2021Steven Archer, Sonia Colina, Marwan Krunz, Dante Lauretta, Sallie Marston, Ian Pepper
2020Roberta Diaz Brinton, Judith Brown, Peter Chesson, Jeff Greenberg, Connie Woodhouse
2019Alfred McEwen, John Rutherfoord, Marvin Slepian, Rod Wing, Lucy Ziurys
2018David Breshears, Allan Hamilton, Barbara Mills, Steven Schwartz, Robert A. Williams
2017Alison Hawthorne Deming, Hoshin Gupta, Pham Huu Tiep**
2016Ronald Breiger, Frank Gohlke, Renu Malhotra
2015Julia Clancy-Smith, Bruce Tabashnik
2014Jonathan Overpeck**, Mary C. Stiner
2013Neal R. Armstrong, Hsinchun Chen, Xiaohui Fan
2012Robert J. Glennon, Thomas W. Swetnam**
2011Thomas G. Bever, Diana M. Liverman
2010S. James Anaya**, Edgar A. Dryden**, Marcia J. Rieke
2009Susan C. Karant-Nunn**, Fernando D. Matrtinez, W. James Shuttleworth**
2008Howard Ochman**, Elizabeth Vierling**, Richard Wilkinson**
2007Malcolm K. Hughes, Michael W. Marcellin, Ofelia Zepeda
2006Carol A. Barnes, Mary P. Koss, Toni M. Massaro, Mark A. Nichter**
2005Michael A. Cusanovich*, Michael J. Drake*, Paula Ya-Mei Fan**, John W. Olsen, Jeanne E. Pemberton, Farhang Shadman, Vladimir E. Zakharov
2004H. Jay Melosh**, Alan C. Newell, John L. Pollock*, George H. Rieke
2003David S. Alberts, Vicki L. Chandler**, Lynn Nadel, Muriel R. Saville-Troike**
2002Pierre Meystre**, Roy R. Parker*, Michael Schaller**, Leslie P. Tolbert**, Michael A. Wells**
2000Brian A. Larkins**, Nancy A. Moran**, Frances Ann Walker**, Dr. Soroosh Sorooshian
1999Therese A. Markow**, Oscar J. Martinez**, Barbara Timmermann**
1998George H. Davis**, John H. Enemark**, Audrey L. Holland**, Nicholas James Strausfeld
1997J. Randolph Jokipii**, H. David Soren, Gordon Tollin**, Henry I . Yamamura*
1995Julia E. Annas, W. David Arnett**, Jane H. Hill*
1994J. Douglas Canfield*, Margaret G. Kidwell**, Jay F. Nunamaker, Jr., Peter A. Strittmatter
1993Barbara A. Babcock**, Allen S. Whiting**
1992Dan B. Dobbs**, Donald R. Huffman**, W. David Kingery*
1991Elizabeth A. Bernays**, Yetta M. Goodman**, C. Vance Haynes**, John H. Law**, Robert M. Netting*, Richard W. Shelton**
1990J. Roger P. Angel, Harrison H. Barrett**, Robert H. Colescott*, Ralph E. Griswold*, Mark R. Haussler**, Willis E. Lamb, Jr.*, Keith E. Lehrer**, Charles P. Sonett**, Douglas G. Stuart*
1989Chandrakant S. Desai**, John G. Hildebrand, Travis W. Hirschi*, Victor J. Hruby**, Frank J. Low*, Sydney E. Salmon*, Arthur T. Winfree*
1988Victor R. Baker, Joel Feinberg*, Donald M. Hunten**, N. Scott Momaday**, Shlomo P. Neuman**, Heiko A. Oberman*, James R. Wait*

**No longer Arizona faculty

Recognizes excellence in the art of teaching at all levels, but the Foundation places particular emphasis on teaching at the undergraduate level.

Visit the Creative Teaching Award page to submit a nomination and browse resources on the overall nomination and selection process.



2024Robert Stephan
2023Jennifer Wolfe
2022Liudmila Klimanova
2021Tori Hidalgo
2020Joela M. Jacobs

Honor those who have demonstrated significant involvement in expanding the impact of research to the public good through innovation and commercialization and are committed to promoting the translation of research to the benefit of society.

Visit the University Innovation and Entrepreneurship page to submit a nomination and browse resources on the overall nomination and selection process.



2024Joseph Valacich
2023Joyce Schroeder
2022Jeffrey Pyun

Recognizes faculty who have made exceptional contributions to our service mission, within their department or college, across campus, or in their scholarly community around the world.

Visit the University Faculty Service Award page to submit a nomination and browse resources on the overall nomination and selection process.



2024Laura Hollengreen, Leila Hudson
2023Wolfgang Fink, Paul Wagner

Recognizes outstanding performance by an academic department head or director.

Visit the Distinguished Head/Director's Award page to submit a nomination and browse resources on the overall nomination and selection process.



2024Buell Jannuzi, Chris Castro
2023Diane Austin
2022Karen Seat, John Galgiani