Public Records

The Office of Public Records

As a public body, the University of Arizona is subject to the requirements of the Arizona Public Records Law. Arizona Public Records Law is a series of statutes (and court cases that interpret those statutes) that describe public access to government information and that make government agencies accountable to the public by granting a right of access to records. The statutes are available at: A.R.S. § 39-101 to -161 and A.R.S. § 15-1640. Public Records Requests submitted to the University of Arizona are processed by the Office of Public Records.  

This website serves to provide information on the process of making a public records request to the University of Arizona. It includes information about how to submit a public records request to the University of Arizona, and contains information on frequently asked questions. 

Submit a Request

Other Requests for University Records: 

University of Arizona Police Department records go to:

Employee Verification and Employees Seeking Personnel Records go to:

Student Records/Transcripts go to:

Students seeking their own Disciplinary Records go to: 

Data for UA's Core Reporting Areas go to: StudentEmployeeFinance, and Research

Additional Information

The following links provide additional information about University of Arizona Public Records.

Frequently Asked Questions 

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